Rescue on Fractalus: Atari 5200

Notoriously, I really don’t like games like this- first person shooters where you’re in the cockpit of a plane or flying machine. Nothing I played here made me change my mind, even if there were some things to like about this title.

One of the things that gets me is you have this dashboard, which adds to the aesthetic of the game, but I always feel like I’m missing something that I should be paying attention to on there. I have the same feeling with this game. Best I can tell, you are flying around, taking out enemy forces on your radar screen. It seemed they were horribly inaccurate at shooting me, but my guns were incredibly precise, advantageous even at shooting them. Randomly, you’re alerted through a beep that a pilot is near; you land the plane to rescue them. That’s it, really the whole game.

A note about the graphics of this game; they are quite good. I noticed the Lucasfilm Games logo before the titles came up; that right there sets expectations and they were met, if nothing else by the opening sequence to start the game, the launch. I did like the change up of flying around some mountains instead of just empty sky; it added some depth and scenery to a genre game that can sometimes be stale and hard to comprehend. The sound effects as well were top notch; Atari never really disappoints there, and they didn’t this time either. Each alert noise is different and blasts through your speaker.

One more note: while rescuing a lost mate, as they approached, this thing showed up and actually jump scared me! I wasn’t expecting it, but it was a decoy friendly. Pretty cool thing to add to the game. But, overall, this one wasn’t really for me; handled, looked and sounded just fine but not my type of game.

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